FREE Dot Marker Sheet for Allah's Name with Rainbow Color

Assalamu'alaykum friends,

I am not sure what is the right name to give for this worksheet but I do really hope that I haven't done any mistakes in naming this worksheet or this post. I have been keeping this stuff because I had planned to do other kind of Islamic dot marker sheet but it seems that I actually do not have time to make other Islamic dot marker sheet. However, if I have done it, I will absolutely share it here in this post. 

The purpose of this worksheet is to nurture familiarization and therefore love towards Allah in young kids' heart. While you and your child are playing with this worksheet, you can tell a story about Allah,introduce Allah etc.

Before you can download this, please be REMINDED that after you print this worksheet you should take care this worksheet carefully as you treat other kalamullah. Please ensure that after using this worksheet, you'll keep it in proper place out of children reach so that they won't easily play with the kalimah. And while using it,please ensure that your child or children do not step on that worksheet or do any other damage to the worksheet. I am sorry to remind this because sometimes we could be forgetful.

To use this, you can print on A4 paper and laminate it for durability. The worksheet can be used with dot marker,marker,round sticker,bottle cap,round magnet,coins or any other things that you feel appropriate. I DISCOURAGE YOU to use this as counting worksheet i.e. if you want to do number matching game with this worksheet or if you want to teach counting the circles on Allah's name;because I'm worried it will lead to confusion on the concept of Tawheed(The Oneness of Allah ). You know kid,right?Sometimes they might be easily confused.

CLICK HERE to download PDF file or you can download the image below. To download the image, simply click on the image and wait until the the original size of the image appear and right click on it and choose "Save image as".

To download other FREE PRINTABLES, please check my Welcome Post. Thank you for your interest in this worksheet. Jazakallah khair


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