FREE Arabic Joining the Dots/ Connect the Dots/ Dot to dot percuma!!
Assalamu'alaykum and good day, I've made this Arabic Joining the Dots/ Connect the Dots/ Dot to dot worksheets for all beloved readers. In M alay, I would call th e se worksheets as Aktiviti Sambung Titik Hijaiyah / Alif ba ta. You are welcomed to use with your kids and classroom as well as to share it worldwide as long as it is not for commercial purpose. You may share the files or the images in your Facebook, Instagram,Whatsapp,Telegram etc. I have made the worksheets for 28 Arabic letters: Alif , Ba , Ta , Tsa , Jim , Ha , Kho , Dal , Dzal , Ro , Zai , Sim , Syim , Sod , Dhod , Tho , Zho , Ain , Ghain , Fa , Qaf , Kaf , Lam, Mim, Nun , Haa, Wau and Ya. There are two versions of mim because the image that I refer red seem short to me so I made the long mim version. You can choose which one you prefer by excluding the unwanted mim when you are printing later on. Cover for Muslimah Snow White version There are two files. One file have icon of Muslimah Snow White in t...